Leaping Off Point!

When we create our days from the energy of play and discovery and curiosity, accidents become ahas, experiments are inspired by joy, questions are fuel for resilience and innovation.

Forget about “good”—good is not a badge of courage or greatness. Good is sticking to the midline so we won’t upset the apple cart.

Begin over and over.

Begin anywhere.

As you evolve from one adventure to the next, begin with each new inspiration, encounter, creation, breath.

Make up words, dances, recipes, celebrations, tools and rituals.

If you don’t have what you think you need, RIFF it into being.

The best surfers know we can’t force, we must flow. Riffing is our flowing.

Wander, nap, percolate, go on field trips and walks. Our brains love to ruminate on unrelated ideas and stimuli as we knit together new approaches, thoughts, vigor.

And always include a liberal measure of LAUGHTER + LOVE, as JOY and MEANINGFUL CONNECTION are the riches we can be most generous with and which matter most to our hearts and souls.