
Intermission Gifts—Island of Self-Love in midst of Swirl

STOP moving

Take it in

No app, no podcast or playlist. No journal. No kombucha or yoga. No partner.



If you are outside, perhaps you notice how incredibly loud the bugs are. Or the breeze stirring the hairs on your arms. Or the heat of sun on your face. The pace of your breath. How shallow is each. How deep.

NOTICE all external and inner arrivals in your awareness. Let them in. Perhaps there will be an aha, as in I had no idea the bugs were a symphony. Or my shoulders are tense. Or I can’t wait to get on with my day.

NOTICE with no agenda, no judgement.

Experiment. Maybe you sit, or lie down. Eyes closed, open. Do what feels good, what feels YES, true.

This is your intermission gift to you. Listen to what wants to be. Start with 5 minutes.

String these together each day so they become your ritual island of self love.

Appreciate this moment, full presence, discovery, awareness, aliveness, wonders, eternity, gratitude, humbleness, all that you are comes to ripen in stillness.

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.