Boost Your Breath Health and Wealth


April 21, 2020

What are you doing right this moment? Name three things.

Was breathing one of them?

It is so omnipresent for us we might well overlook it as an essential function to nurture. Our body breathes for us, after all, 12-16 resting breaths a minute for the average human adult, or 17,000-23,000 inhale/exhale couplets a day, which tallies to 6.3-8.4 million breaths annually.

But are we breathing WELL?

Until I brought attention to my resting breath (running and yoga focused me on my breathing for limited periods in the day, but the rest of the day I confess I was more mindless about breathing), I didn’t realize how shallow my respirations were. In fact, I would often catch myself HOLDING my breath. As in, denying my body life. Usually this was a reaction to a stressful situation. But I noticed it enough to make me think my autobiography might well be titled, Remember to Breathe.

Shallow breathing is not our friend. It creates oxidative stress in our body from toxin accumulation and corresponding acidic body chemistry stemming from a sluggish lymph system (which has no pump of its own and relies on deep breathing and movement to circulate toxins out).

Breath Alchemy

A quick high-level review of the exchange of life force in each inhale/exhale better illustrates how vital breath is in keeping our systems optimized. 

Our lungs send oxygen to every cell via the blood and cardiovascular system. They then exhale CO2 waste. 

But our lungs can lose elasticity when not mindfully exercised throughout each day and allowed to live in a state of shallow breathing.

  • When not fully exhaling, toxins can get trapped in the lungs.

  • When not fully inhaling, we are limiting the amount of O2 that goes to our cells. 

How to remedy shallow breathing?

Enter our DIAPHRAGM, or belly breathing. DEEP BREATHING begins in the diaphragm, the muscles below our rib cage. Consciously beginning our inhale from this lower belly region then expanding into our lungs fully inflates each intake with maximal oxygen. Likewise, reversing the exhale from the lungs first then through the belly, we fully expire our CO2 waste, helping create an alkaline body chemistry, which is optimal for all our biological systems.  

Acidity as our inner norm is destructive, accelerating aging, heightening inflammation and stress hormones.  Our muscles perform better in an alkaline environment as well. 


  • Stress reduction—reverses fight-or-flight adrenaline stress response and decreases cortisol release 

  • Calms anxious mind chatter in our mind

  • Slows heartrate (anti-aging)

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Increases energy (more oxygen to muscles)

  • Increases endorphins (feel-good hormones), reducing pain

  • Reduces inflammation and acidity (linked to cancer)

  • Diaphragm action enhances digestion, even improves posture

  • Moves Lymph through our system, disposing of waste

CURIOUS for more?

The Heart-Math Institute offers compelling science behind heart-centered breathing and its effect on reduced stress, enhanced calm, healing and peace.

The record-breaking Iceman Wim Hof offers science-backed evidence for his breathing practices in beginning the day with a series of breathing techniques to optimize health and energy.

No longer am I subcontracting out my breathing to my old shallow patterning. I love the energy I feel starting my day with several rounds of energized belly breathing. My coffee now comes hours after waking, I am so enlivened with breath. And when late-afternoon fuzzy mind or fatigue appears, a few minutes of re-centering breathing restores my vitality and creative gusto.

Befriend your Breathing. It will love you back. 

Interested in amplifying your creativity and building your Maverick Muscle? Join me for SEEING FRESHLY—a virtual workshop for individuals and groups. 


Curiosity: Our Antidote Through Uncertainty